Get Instant Access to The 'Blog to Bank' Ebook

+ 6 Amazing Bonuses For... Only $7!

The Fastest Way to Start a Blog With AI And Make $10,000 Per Month!

Start a Blog With AI in Just 5 Days, Write With AI, and Start Making Money FAST!

I was going to start blogging about my passion, but after reading the 5-step validation process in the Blog to Bank ebook, I knew I wasn’t going to be successfull… so I changed my mind. Best $7 I’ve ever invested.

- Lucca

(Blogging about AI and AI tools and monetizing through selling 4 ebooks and affiliate marketing)

Get Instant Access to the 'Blog to Bank' Ebook + 6 Bonuses for... Only $7!

The Fastest Way to Start a Blog With AI And

Make $10,000 Per Month!

Use This Proven Framework to Start a Blog With AI in Just 5 Days, Write Content With AI, and Start Making Money FAST!

I was going to start blogging about my passion, but after reading the 5-step validation process in the Blog to Bank ebook, I knew I wasn’t going to be successfull… so I changed my mind. Best $7 I’ve ever invested.

- Lucca

(Blogging about AI and AI tools and monetizing through selling 4 ebooks and affiliate marketing)

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When You Buy The ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

  • Instant Access To The Blog to Bank Ebook

($47 Value)

  • 5-Day Launchpad

($67 Value)

  • 14-Day Money-Making Machine

($997 Value)

  • Content Chronos

($97 Value)

  • Conversational Prompts

($497 Value)

  • Traffic Secrets Ebook

($297 Value)

  • Optin Overdrive Course

($997 value)

  • Instant Access To The Blog to Bank Ebook
  • 5-Day Launchpad
  • 14-Day Money-Making Machine
  • Content Chronos
  • Conversational Prompts
  • Traffic Secrets Ebook
  • Optin Overdrive Course

($97 Value)

($67 Value)

($997 Value)

($97 Value)

($497 Value)

($297 Value)

($997 value)

Your Step-By-Step On How To Make $1000+ Per Day Blogging With AI…

Even If You Have Zero Experience

From: Piaff Dibota

Where: His desktop

Hey, my name is Piaff and I've got something really special for you this is my brand new ebook, my favorite product called “Blog To Bank: the Secret Playbook to Starting a Blog With AI and Turning Your Words into $1000+ Per Day!”

But before I tell you WHY you need this ebook, let me ask you one IMPORTANT question.


For everyone it's different…

For some of you, you want a place where you can share your passion without expecting anything in return.

For others, you are happy as long as you get a hundred visitors per month.

And for others of you, you're in a job that you hate and your blog is YOUR solution to buy a house, a luxury car, and travel around the world in first class.



It's because they chose the wrong niche…

Some niches can make you $10,000, $20,000 and even $50,000 per month...

But other niches will ONLY make you $500 per month.

They choose a niche where people don’t want to spend money to buy their products... don't want to spend money to buy the products they recommend... and just want to get everything for free.

So there is just NO WAY these bloggers can make money.

And because there are so many bloggers in that wrong niche… most bloggers end up with $0 per month.

They abandon their blogs, never publish content again, and go back to their 9/5 job.

That’s the reality of thousands of blogs out there.

And here is the TRUTH...

If you do the SAME mistake when choosing your niche, you'll get crappy results.

But Luckily For You... There is a Solution to This Problem!

Unlike other ebooks that just show you how to start a blog and throw in things that never work…

The Blog to Bank is fully packed with tips and strategies for choosing a niche

With people ready to SPEND money on your products…

With people ready to spend and buy the products you recommend…

With people ready to give more money than ever.

No more blogs where people come to read and go. In just a few pages, you will discover how every successful blogger chooses a profitable niche with the sole purpose of making moneyEven if the content is written by AI.

Blog Your Way to Freedom

Don’t Leave Money On The Table.

But whether you choose a niche that can make 500 or $10,000, knowing how to make money in that niche is key.

Unfortunately, this is where MOST bloggers fail.

No matter how profitable your niche is… if you don’t know how to make money in it, you will not be successful.

And that's why you need the ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook…

This ebook is going to show you a 5-STEP validation process that every successful blogger out there uses to make money blogging, no matter their niche.

If You Can Apply What Is Inside The 'Blog To Bank' Ebook...

Then You Too Can Have A Blog That Makes Money

The 'Blog to Bank' ebook will show you a 5-step validation process that EVERY successful blog out there uses to make 10, 20, 50, and even $100,000 per month.

They don’t want you to know it because you are a competitor, and I had to attend MANY workshops, webinars, and online events, and analyze thousands of blogs to verify this process.

If your niche meets these 5 points, you are 100% going to make at least $1000+ in your first 2 months of blogging.

And I’m going to share this validation process with you in this ebook.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your niche is

and how new or old your niche is…

This 5-step validation process works for every niche.


AI is revolutionizing everything.

There used to be a time when you had to spend hours writing a single article, and it took a week to write 2 or 3.

At the end of the month, you only ended up with less than ten articles because you were so busy.

I’m not even talking about writer’s block and lack of inspiration that kept on postponing the same post to never publishing it again.

And this was a nightmare and a legitimate reason why many people refused to start blogging.

But AI has changed everything...

With a single sentence or prompt, AI can write an article that’s 2,000 words long.

  • No writer’s block and lack of inspiration. AI will write your content and it writes better than humans.
  • No need to spend lots of time looking for information and facts. AI quickly finds and puts together information, saving you hours of work.
  • No need to be afraid of running out of ideas or getting stuck. AI never gets tired and finds cool ideas when you're stuck.

The Blog to Bank ebook is going to show you how to use AI to come up with blog post ideas and write them.

You will get access to the prompts we use internally to write 45 articles per day for many blogs in different niches.

You will also discover how to use AI to come up with a nice and catchy blog name and create a beautiful logo that will 'WOW' your audience.




The best feeling you will ever have is when you start creating your blog.

You will get access to 250+ website templates that you can use FOR FREE… in just a few clicks.

No need to write a single line of code. Every design is made for YOU and you can access them for free.

All you need to do is click Import and the design will be ready in seconds.

Just look at some of the beautiful blog templates you can create...

If You Can Follow the Steps in the Blog to Bank, Then You Too Can Have a Blog That Makes Money!

If you want to start a blog, but don’t know where to begin, this ebook is RIGHT for you!

If you want to start a blog with successful tips right from the start, the Blog to Bank ebook is PERFECT for you.

I sell this ebook as an upsell to one of my top products for $97… but today I wanted to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER and give you the ebook AND all the bonuses

For $7.OO Only.

Yes... for about the price of a happy meal, you can get access to an ebook that will help you start a successful blog...

Then after your blog is live and you start monetizing it, it will give you the ability to write your own paycheck for the rest of your life!



To The 'Blog To Bank' Ebook And All The Bonuses Right Now For Just $7.00


When You Acess The ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

  • Instant Access To The Blog to Bank Ebook

($47 Value)

  • 5-Day Launchpad

($67 Value)

  • 14-Day Money-Making Machine

($997 Value)

  • Content Chronos

($97 Value)

  • Conversational Prompts

($497 Value)

  • Traffic Secrets Ebook

($297 Value)

  • Optin Overdrive Course

($997 value)

  • Instant Access To The Blog to Bank Ebook
  • 5-Day Launchpad
  • 14-Day Money-Making Machine
  • Content Chronos
  • Conversational Prompts
  • Traffic Secrets Ebook
  • Optin Overdrive Course

($97 Value)

($67 Value)

($997 Value)

($97 Value)

($497 Value)

($297 Value)

($997 value)

It Doesn't Matter What Niche You're In Or What Niche You Choose... The ‘Blog to Bank’ Ebook Will Work For YOU!

In fact…

We have people in every niche who are using this SAME

Ebook to start their own blog!

We have people in every niche who are using this SAME Ebook to start their own blog!

They have started blogs in EVERY niche you can dream of, like:

  • Travel
  • Real Estate
  • Personal Finance
  • Coding
  • Fitness
  • Fashion
  • Food & Recipes
  • Yoga
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Parenting
  • Dating
  • Pets
  • DIY
  • And many, many more!

This Ebook Will Teach You The Secret To Use AI And Turn Your Blog Into a BUSINESS.


Bonus # 1: 5-Day Launchpad

The ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook is already wonderful and practical, but the 5-Day Launchpad takes it up a notch. This Launchpad is going to help you apply the ebook and launch your blog in just 5 days.

Each day has a few steps to take and will direct you to the ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook, like:

  • Day 1: Choose a Money-Making Niche — Check Pages 1–3
  • Day 2: Use this Prompt to Write Homepage Content — Check Pages 7-8
  • Day 3: Create Blog Page — Check Page 10
  • Day 4: Create Logo With AI — Check Page 12
  • Day 5: Launch Your Blog — Check Page 16

No need to guess about ‘where should I start’ or ‘what should I do next.’ Everything is mapped out for you. Plus I created the 5-Day Luanchpad with busy people in mind… but it should only take you a weekend to do all the steps inside.

The launchpad will SAVE YOU dozens of hours and help you launch your blog quickly, no matter your niche.

Total Value: $97

Get This For FREE When You Get Your ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

Bonus # 2: 14-Day Blogger Bankroll

The reason why you want to start a blog is to make money. You want to quit your 9/5 job and you want your blog to cover your daily expenses, buy you a house, buy a car for your parents… while traveling around the world.

The 'Blogger Bankroll' is a plan that will help you launch and sell your ebook, course, and membership program in just 14 days.

Here are some of the things you will find in the plan:

  • Day 1 - 2: Write an e-book with AI and keep it short
  • Day 4-6: Create a sales page (Do NOT Sell on Your Blog Homepage)
  • Day 9: Ask AI to write your sales message using the (?SECRET?) script (The same script I've used to sell this ebook.
  • Day 14: Launch Your Product

Each item in the plan has a detailed explanation about what you should do and how you should do it. This is the SAME plan I used to write this ebook, create all six bonuses, create this website, and ultimately… start selling and making money.

And our members have been using it to create and sell ebooks, online courses, memberships, affiliate products, and many, many more.

Total Value: $997

Get This For FREE When You Get Your ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

Bonus # 3: Content Chronos

The ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook is going to show you how to come up with 200+ content ideas using AI and free tools. But where do you put those content ideas and manage them? That’s why you need Content Chronos.

With Content Chronos, you will be able to:

  • See all your content ideas in one place.
  • Know what to write today, tomorrow, and even for the month ahead. No more guessing or searching online for ideas.
  • Set start dates, due dates, priorities… the options are endless.
  • Add team members, chat, and assign content tasks.

This is the same content calendar we use to manage multiple blogs and write 45+ articles every day. Anyone in ANY niche or industry can use it without getting stuck or confused.

Total Value: $97

Get This For FREE When You Get Your ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

Bonus # 4: Conversational Prompts

If you’ve ever used AI to write something for you, you know prompts are everything. Use a bad prompt and you will spend 2 hours generating and editing content…

For a task that normally takes 15 minutes only.

And finding the right prompts that work all the time is a PAIN. There is too much trial and error.

But not with Conversational Prompts.

With Conversational Prompts, you’ll be able to:

  • Generate outstanding content in less than 10 minutes, NO MATTER the AI tool you are using to write your content.
  • Shock readers because they will all believe you wrote the content yourself and have outstanding writing skills.

These are the SAME prompts we use to write 45+ articles per day for multiple blogs. We bought so many prompts and got so many online for free, but the content we generated was embarrassing.

We’ve tested Conversational Prompts with many blogs…and they work in ANY niche or industry.

Total Value: $497

Get This For FREE When You Get Your ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

Bonus # 5: Traffic Magnets

One of the most difficult tasks when starting a blog is driving consistent traffic. But with Traffic Magnets, you can start driving thousands of visitors to your blog FAST.

With Traffic Secrets, you will unlock:

  • The FIRST traffic method we use to get 100,000+ visitors per month

and the exact steps to copy the same process.

  • The second and NEW way of driving traffic… that recently became possible thanks to AI and only takes 5 minutes per day. All you need is a Gmail account.

Total Value: $297

Get This For FREE When You Get Your ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

Bonus # 6: Optin Overdrive

Money is on the list… that’s one of the best statements in marketing. But growing an email list is easier done than said. Not anymore, thanks to the Optin Overdrive course.

With the Optin Overdrive course, you will be able to:

  • Discover how your list can make you even more money

than any blog post you’ll ever write!

  • Write a complete ebook using AI and give it for free or sell to grow an email list.
  • Know where to place and sell your ebook on your blog to maximize sales!

The Optin Overdrive course comes with prompts YOU can use to write incredible ebooks that people will WANT to spend money on.

And again, you'll get access to the entire thing, the ebook, and all the bonuses for just seven bucks!



To The 'Blog To Bank' Ebook And All The Bonuses Right Now For Just $7.00


When You Buy The ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook Today!

  • Instant Access To The Blog to Bank Ebook

($47 Value)

  • 5-Day Launchpad

($67 Value)

  • 14-Day Money-Making Machine

($997 Value)

  • Content Chronos

($97 Value)

  • Conversational Prompts

($497 Value)

  • Traffic Secrets Ebook

($297 Value)

  • Optin Overdrive Course

($997 value)

  • Instant Access To The Blog to Bank Ebook
  • 5-Day Launchpad
  • 14-Day Money-Making Machine
  • Content Chronos
  • Conversational Prompts
  • Traffic Secrets Ebook
  • Optin Overdrive Course

($97 Value)

($67 Value)

($997 Value)

($97 Value)

($497 Value)

($297 Value)

($997 value)

..So What’s The Catch?

I know there are some websites out there that give you something super cool for free, and charge your card every month because you joined an unknown membership program.

This isn’t one of them.

There is NO hidden monthly program. You pay once and you get access to everything for life. And in case you are wondering why I’m doing all this…

Well, there is actually a reason…

I know that if you read this ebook and see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future. So my goal is to help YOU make money… then hopefully you’ll choose to re-invest some of those profits into some of the products and services that we sell.

Sound fair?

..So What’s The Catch?

I know there are some websites out there that give you something super cool for free, and charge your card every month because you joined an unknown membership program.

This isn’t one of them.

There is NO hidden monthly program. You pay once and you get access to everything for life. And in case you are wondering why I’m doing all this…

Well, there is actually a reason…

I know that if you read this ebook and see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future. So my goal is to help YOU make money… then hopefully you’ll choose to re-invest some of those profits into some of the products and services that we sell.

Sounds fair?

Time Is Of The Essence


The price can go up at any time because it’s becoming more and more expensive to run ads and promote this product.

Putting this product in front of hundreds of thousands of people costs us A LOT of money.

So, the price will go up to continue to serve as many people as we can… and because of everything you are getting, we are expecting a flood of orders.

But you must act now and place your order because it will cost you 10 times more money when you order it in the future.

Just imagine creating ONE blog that will attract hundreds of thousands of people while making $10,000+ per month!.

What Impact Would That Have In Your Life?

How Would Your Life Change Today?

All It Takes Is ONE BLOG to Set You FREE!

Is There A Guarantee?

Of course... :)

I 100% guarantee that you’ll love this ebook, or I will return your $7 and let you keep the ebook and the bonuses anyway.

I will take all the risks on this.

If for some reason you feel like the 'Blog to Bank' ebook is not worth 10 times what you’ve invested, drop me an email within 30 days and I will refund you your $7 with zero hassle. No questions asked. Fair enough?


You Must Act Fast!

This is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Copy Now Before Prices Increase…

Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below, then we can finally get started! I hope you enjoy reading the ebook, get your blog up and running in no time, and start making money blogging.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to reading your blog and hearing your success story!

Thanks again,

Piaff Dibota

P.S. If you are like me and you skipped to the bottom of the page, here is the deal:

When you get the ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook today (instant download), I’m going to give you SIX bonuses for FREE, so you can build and grow your blog with AI.

One of these cool bonuses is the 14-Day Blogger Bankroll, which is my day-by-day process to monetize your blog and start making money in just 14 days, just two weeks.

Many people even apply this plan in 5 days or less.

This is the SAME plan I used to write this ebook, create all six bonuses, create this website, and ultimately… start selling and making money.

And you can get the ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook and all these bonuses for just $7.

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for?! Get instant access to the ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook Now!


What platform am I going to use to create my blog?

The Blog to Bank ebook shows how to use WordPress, the most popular blogging platform in the world. It’s beginner-friendly, and you won’t have to code.

Do I have to learn to code?

Absolutely not. I have never learned how to code but I can create blogs very easily. All you need to do to create your blog is import a template and change the text. And I will show you the easy step-by-step process that even a 10-year-old can follow. It’s that easy.

Are the blog templates/designs free?

Yes, you will access 200+ free blog designs. You can use them for free without any issues. There are also premium designs but you won’t need to use them because the free templates are already so good.

Is the ‘Blog to Bank’ ebook going to show me how to make money blogging?

Of course! Unlike other ebooks out there that just show how to create a blog and tell you to show ads on your blog, this ebook is focused on successful blogging only. The first 3 pages alone will blow your mind. You will be one HUGE step ahead of your competitors.

But ultimately, the income result will depend on your effort, niche, and market forces beyond anyone’s control. This is not a ‘get rich fast’ thing. If that’s what you are looking for, then this is not for you.

But if you want to create something that will generate study income for you now and forever, then this is for you. Click the button below, fill in your information, and you will get access instantly.

Click Or Tap The Button Below Now

Tell Me Where To Send Your Copy Of The ‘Blog To Bank’ Ebook!

Iconic Blogging is a website designed to assist aspiring bloggers in launching their blogs and exploring diverse monetization strategies. It is important to note that our products and services do not guarantee financial success or the recovery of your investment. The video presentation and testimonials provided are exclusively for educational and exemplary purposes and are not intended to incite sales. While they may show real experiences from our students and customers, their business’s results are not typical, and the results of your business will vary based on your effort, your blog niche, and market forces beyond anyone’s control.

Iconic Blogging LLC © 2024. All Rights Reserved.